mandag 27. april 2015

Book cover series

I made this series earlier this winter for Gyldendal Akademisk. The books are made for teachers in primary school.

fredag 24. april 2015

Book illustrations

A sneak peek from a project I have been working on this winter and spring – in case you thought I had fallen into the total sleep: I have not! I have been working like a hero on collages to a children's book that soon will be finished. A great and fun job, but a bit challenging to combine with a puppy in the house, I must say! I think Lorca will be pleased when it´s finally over. I will show more of the illustrations later, and tell about the project. Happy weekend everyone!

mandag 13. april 2015

Nytt Rom

En stor takk til Hans Petter for flott presentasjon av meg i Nytt Rom, nr. 44! Veldig smigrende med omtale i dette magasinet som jeg liker så godt! :-)

I am presented in the great Norwegian interior and design magazine Nytt Rom, no. 44! So proud! Thanks to Hans Petter!