torsdag 17. desember 2015

torsdag 26. november 2015


I think I just call these December I–II!
They just give me that feeling.

onsdag 25. november 2015


Two prints.
I just can´t stop making them, and now I have a whole range of color combinations. But I don´t know what to do with them. I imagine they would look nice in a big scale format, and framed.

lørdag 21. november 2015

Walking days

Dog walking days it is. Not to bad a habit actually! Now the last one for the evening. The image  here is made in between …!

fredag 20. november 2015

Black November

Today this picture is published at my SHOP.
I need to do some colorful, fun and FREE work these days. The Norwegian, arctic days are short in November, and the news from the world are even darker. Need lights and colors! Be good, people! Have a nice week end!

onsdag 18. november 2015


Prints at my office. I need lots of colours and fun stuff these days.
They are for sale at my Epla-shop, here!

tirsdag 17. november 2015

A yellow morning walk

The very best way to start a new day!
A walk in the wood, and then
a look at the colors I played with last night.

fredag 13. november 2015

Shades of grey

Lorca needed a bath …
And while I am making book covers he is taking a nap while drying his fur. And then I might be able to comb trough all his curls.
Friday evening is TV evening, so hopefully my long, thick wool scarf will be finished while watching. But until then there is lots of works to do!
Have a nice week end!

torsdag 12. november 2015

Carpe diem

Oh, my! I am so lucky! All those refugees, and here I am, living my ordinary happy life!
Lorca and I took a morning walk, collecting some November colors for inspiration.

torsdag 1. oktober 2015


This is a piece of work I made of left over scraps. I played around with it for a while, and landed on this version.

mandag 7. september 2015

My studio

This is what I am working at right now, and my view when doing so!

tirsdag 18. august 2015

Bestefar på rømmen

Here is the cover for the book, and I remind you again where to buy it: HERE!


I have such a great job! Cutting and gluing and collecting inspiration. If you like to contact me for questions, comments or assignments, please do!

mandag 10. august 2015

Crab fishing

I am making some new illustrations with focus on children to update my Astound folio this autumn. This little fisherman will also be available for sale at my Epla-shop, soon.

onsdag 15. juli 2015


I am so proud to announce that I am represented by the very nice people at Astound in the US! And wow, there are so many super talented illustrators in that Agency! I will make some more children's illustrations in the nearest future, and I really look forward to it!
You can have a look at my Astound folio here.
The illustration above is from Bestefar på rømmen, and you can buy the book here.
And enjoy the summer!

tirsdag 7. juli 2015

Nytt Rom digital issue

I was asked to participate in the digital issue of Nytt Rom with a picture of a nice place I have been, and to write a short text about it. My favorite place is Lousiana outside Copenhagen. I was thrilled to see that Nytt Rom gave my photos two spreads! Thank you, Hans Petter!

You can see the whole magazine here:

torsdag 25. juni 2015

fredag 22. mai 2015

Simon Stranger presenterer «Bestefar på rømmen» på TV2

Så stolt av å ha fått jobbe med og for denne gjengen!
Thomas Møller, Simon Stranger og Anita Ellefsen.
Boken er ferdig og behørig presentert på God morgen Norge på TV2 og Nyhetskanalen  i dag morges. Bestefar på rømmen kan kjøpes her.

Foto: © Anita Ellefsen

fredag 8. mai 2015

Printing Bestefar på rømmen

Today is the DAY! Christine Munch, Thomas Møller and Ann-Kristin Sønstelie at the printer, 07. Thanks a lot to all of them for the good work! 

Foto: © Thomas Møller

mandag 4. mai 2015

Bestefar på rømmen

A couple of illustrations from the children's book «Bestefar på rømmen», published by Engelsborg ressurssenter. I have just finished the job, and I hope I will have the opportunity to work on more projects and books like this very soon again. So much fun! Thanks a lot to Thomas Møller for inviting me to do the illustrations! Christine Munch at Munch Design did the typography and design. And of course: The author is Simon Stranger.

mandag 27. april 2015

Book cover series

I made this series earlier this winter for Gyldendal Akademisk. The books are made for teachers in primary school.

fredag 24. april 2015

Book illustrations

A sneak peek from a project I have been working on this winter and spring – in case you thought I had fallen into the total sleep: I have not! I have been working like a hero on collages to a children's book that soon will be finished. A great and fun job, but a bit challenging to combine with a puppy in the house, I must say! I think Lorca will be pleased when it´s finally over. I will show more of the illustrations later, and tell about the project. Happy weekend everyone!

mandag 13. april 2015

Nytt Rom

En stor takk til Hans Petter for flott presentasjon av meg i Nytt Rom, nr. 44! Veldig smigrende med omtale i dette magasinet som jeg liker så godt! :-)

I am presented in the great Norwegian interior and design magazine Nytt Rom, no. 44! So proud! Thanks to Hans Petter!

torsdag 22. januar 2015

Kors på halsen?

This is the chosen version and final cover for the book «Kors på halsen?». It is published by IJ/Cappelen Damm Akademisk in Norway.

fredag 16. januar 2015


I can´t resist posting a picture of my wonderful Lorca any longer! He is celebrating his four months with a playtime in the snow. He also has his own blog, in Norwegian, but with lots of pictures documenting his daily life, well, randomly at least!
Happy weekend everyone!

tirsdag 13. januar 2015

Sparkling education!

This is a book called Gnistrende undervisning (Sparkling education), and I made the cover just before Christmas.

Having fun

I´m having fun making a new cover series. Recognize the colours?