torsdag 18. desember 2014
Book about religion and journalism
I keep working till Christmas next week! Lots of things to do, both at work and of course at home! I haven´t done a single thing to prepare the holiday – yet! A small week to go! This is sketches for a cover I did earlier today. The right one is the chosen solution. Happy about that!
mandag 1. desember 2014
tirsdag 25. november 2014
Internet Research Ethics sketches
I have done some sketches for a new book cover. The academic kind of look was wanted for this one. I guess there will be some adjustments before we are done, but it is a good start.
onsdag 13. august 2014
I have made a new illustration for Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. The theme is Diagnosisis.
lørdag 19. juli 2014
Peers Venner, Inderøy
Bilder fra den nyåpnede sommerutstillingen hos Peers Venner på vakre Inderøy. De som er med er: Randi Antonsen, Jarle Anzjøn, Lise Brissach, Morten Gjul, Frances Jayaseela, Inger Marie Lillesand, Reidulv Lyngstad, Kari Mæle Løge, Anne Kathrine Oxaal, Robert Øfsti og Merethe Elvira Onstad. Jeg er så stolt og glad over å få være med på denne utstillingen med så mange flinke folk! Stor takk til alle, men spesielt til driftige og flotte Randi Antonsen! Etter gårsdagens åpning, tråkker hun like godt til med ny åpning i eget galleri, Klokkarstu, i dag! Lykke til, Randi! Mange grunner til å ta Den Gyldne Omvei i sommer altså!
Foto: © Reidulv Lyngstad
onsdag 16. juli 2014
fredag 4. juli 2014
tirsdag 1. juli 2014
mandag 30. juni 2014
Something on a monday
No holiday yet. I am going to participate on an exhibition with Peers Venner at Inderøy, later this summer. I´am so thrilled and excited about it! And really proud to have been invited, and I must admit a bit nervous about it too! This piece I show here are just some sketching on a monday, and is not a part of the exhibition.
tirsdag 24. juni 2014
tirsdag 3. juni 2014
mandag 2. juni 2014
New abstract art for sale at Epla
I have been converted into an abstract art maker lately! And the result is for sale at my Epla shop, here! I will soon publish some more abstract art, both here on the blogg, and for sale in my shop, and hopefully at some other arenas as well …
I enjoy doing this so much! :-)
fredag 23. mai 2014
New book covers
I am working a lot these days even if it doesn´t show right here!
I am making images for an exhibition, and also try to do the commissioned work that need to be done. Sometimes it seems like the work are related …
mandag 19. mai 2014
tirsdag 1. april 2014
fredag 21. mars 2014
fredag 7. mars 2014
mandag 3. mars 2014
lørdag 1. mars 2014
onsdag 22. januar 2014
Depression as a national problem
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