mandag 1. oktober 2012

Vestens idéhistorie

The books are here! At least three out of four. The last one will be ready later this year, or early next year, I think. Thanks a lot to Knut for the assignment!

onsdag 19. september 2012

Kritisk tenkning i klasserommet

New book cover. Kommuneforlaget is the publisher. Thanks to Anneli for the assignment!

mandag 20. august 2012

Idol and media exposure

Being a superstar one day, and totally forgotten the next day. What does short time media exposure do to the development of a young persons identity? This is the theme of the illustration made to the cover of Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, no. 9–12.

onsdag 15. august 2012

Mia Ajvide, De glemtes forbund

This is a cover I made for Mia Ajvides book De glemtes forbund, a mixture of a crime and a ghost story. A job I enjoyed to do for CappelenDamm. Thanks to Elisabeth for the assignment!

fredag 20. juli 2012

torsdag 5. juli 2012

Book illustrations about economy and editors

Some small collages made to a book about economy and editors. IJ-Forlaget is the publisher. Thanks for the assignment to Ragnhild!

lørdag 30. juni 2012

Typography poster

I made this for an assignment, and when customer wanted another solution, I put it in a frame and hung it on the wall! Fun for children to try to find the different letters!

mandag 18. juni 2012

Norsk Forening for Kognitiv Terapi

I have made some illustrations and cards for the Norwegian Society for Cognitive Therapy. The cards individually inform about their different psychology studies. Thanks to Torkil for the assignment!

søndag 27. mai 2012

New postcard

This is a piece of work that I did a while ago, and now it is printed as a postcard.

tirsdag 3. april 2012

My spread in Norwegian Illustrators 4

I am presented with two collages in the new Norwegian Illustrators 4, published by Grafill.

søndag 25. mars 2012

Garden illustration

Spring is here!
It is time to do some gardening. Illustration for LIVE and Felleskjøpet.

mandag 19. mars 2012

torsdag 8. mars 2012

Celebrate with cake and collage!

I have been really lazy for å long time, when it comes to publishing news on this blog. Sorry about that! I will try to make it better from now on!

© Kristin Berg Johnsen

søndag 8. januar 2012

Collage 005

A new collage today. The face belongs to the Norwegian artist Thomas Dybdahl, the rest is bits and pieces of things I´ve found. All remixed.

© Kristin Berg Johnsen